Thursday 10 December 2009

georges braque

he was the founder of cubist art as well as Pablo Picasso, his first cubist art named 'nude' in 1907. both his farther and grandfather was talented artists, so was practically born into the art way of thinking. he went to hes local Ecol Des Beaux art school but failed hes exams, leaving hes parents to train him as a local painter decorator. in Paris Braque gained a craftsmanship diploma and through a relationship with Raoul Duffy and Othon Friesz became involved in the fauvist movement.
fauvism was the first major modern art movement of the 1900's. this movement had a short life but influenced many artists. also had a strong impact on German expressionism. Henri Matisse was the founder of fauvism. other artists included was Andre Derain, Raoul Duffy, Maurice De Vlaminck and Georges Rouault. this group of french artists called themselves the Fauves, English translates to wild beasts. the Fauves did not express political statements, ethical opinions, philosophical or psychological ideas in there paintings, instead they painted subjects which expressed feelings of pleasure, joy and comfort. the Fauves favored intense colors and rough brush strokes. they never painted objects in there natural colors, e.g wouldn't paint grass as green, they would use the colors such as purple, red or yellow.

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